#2 Integrations ≠ Partnerships - with Justin Zimmermann

Show notes

This time Justin Zimmermann and myself talk about the importance of partner marketing.

He helps businesses to build audiences and communities, he is a webinar wizard and scaled his biggest webinar to +600 attendees.

In addition to that he is engaged in the partner management community and shares a lot of experiences and know-how in his Partner Playbooks (link below).

In this episode you will learn

  • that there is more to partnerships than just technology
  • the importance of partner marketing as a means for growth and adoption
  • the essential task of building internal and external audiences
  • why putting the customers and the partners into focus is a must
  • the differences between ecosystem-led marketing and other models
  • the secrets behind the "Michael Jordan" model
  • how to turn your customers into influences
  • and much more…

👋🏼 Follow Justin on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinzim/

📚 Check out his Partner Playbooks: https://partnerplaybooks.com/

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